
Posts Tagged ‘Cannot invoke HTTP DAV request. There is a pending query’

Create a Folder in List Attachments folder using client object model or Web Service

October 8, 2010 2 comments

Creating a Folder in List Attachments folder using client object model or Web Service is not allowed

Scenario :

I was working hard to achieve adding an attachment to the list item using client object model.

To achieve this I was tried directly uploading the file to the list item that I newly created. I was using this piece of code to do this

private static void CreatenewListItem()
            ClientContext oContext = new ClientContext(““);
            Web oWeb = oContext.Web;
            List myList = oWeb.Lists.GetByTitle(“ClientModel”);
            ListItemCreationInformation myCreationInformation = new ListItemCreationInformation();
            ListItem newListItem = myList.AddItem(myCreationInformation);
            newListItem[“Title”] = “new List Item2”;
            //Adding an attachment to the new item
            string path = “C:\\Users\\Sridhar.Voleti-b\\Documents\\Retreive all list fields of a given list.doc”;
            string Attachmentpath = oWeb.Context.Url + “/lists/” + myList.Title + “/Attachments/” + newListItem.Id + “/”;
             FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open);

            File.SaveBinaryDirect(oContext, Attachmentpath, fileStream, true);//This is where the error occurs as it is saving the file to the attachments folder.


This is causing an error:

Cannot invoke HTTP DAV request. There is a pending query.

Could not really understand, what the real issue is!!! Started my search for a solution to this issue. Could not find any information. This exception is already documented in the SDK

But there are no pointers on how to proceed further.

One more issue is we are allowed to create a normal folder in list. But to upload a file as an attachment, the primary requirement is ‘availability of a folder in the list attachments folder.’

For example all attachments are stored in a folder which is created under the attachments folder as shown in the list.

To take this a little further, I have tried creating the folders under the Attachments folder using the Lists.asmx webservice.

But again, creating the folder using the farm administrator previleges also failed, but I was able to create folders normally in the root folder.

There are some posts in forums talking about similar issues about attachments to a list item. but there is no concrete solution or a workaround either.

May be a very small event handler will do, as it uses the standard object model, wherein we can create the required folder using the elevated previleges. As I believe creating the folder in every list is not a major concern, as it is useful in any case.

I’ll surely give it a try :). But lets see how things turn out.